TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Commissioning software
The software can be used via the floppy disk supplied with the speed controller:
of the software
- insert the floppy disk in unit A,
- take up position on A with the command A : ?
- start the software with ATV45 ?
- wait for the presentation page to be displayed, then press any key in order to continue
In order to protect the floppy disk, installation and use of the software on a hard disk is
- insert the floppy disk In unit A,
- copy all the files on the floppy disk onto the hard disk via COPY A: * *C: ?
- start the software from unit C via ATV45 ?
- wait for the presentation page to be displayed, then press any key in order to continue
Selecting the
Available languages Danish - Dutch - English - Finnish - French - German - Italian -
Norwegian -Portuguese - Spanish - Swedish
The choice of a particular language from the ones available Is made as follows
- start up the software via ATV45 / L ?
- wait for the presentation page to be displayed, then press any key,
- using the keys and? select the language,
- validate by pressing ? In order to continue
Selection of the language is recorded, and this operation is thus no longer necessary on any future
occasion the software is used
Adaptation to the
The software can be adapted to the type of screen, and to the COM port to which the ATV-45 2
is connected. For this:
- start up the software via ATV45 / C ?
- wait for the presentation page to be displayed, then press any key,
-select the type of screen and validate by pressing ?
- select the page set up and file destination, then validate by pressing ?
- select the COM port used and validate by pressing ? in order to continue
All the selections made are recorded, and this operation Is thus no longer necessary on any future
occasion the software is used.
(page 3-248)