TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Configuration, special functions, settings
The various settings accessible are listed In the table below Depending on the selections made during configuration,
inputs-outputs, or special functions, some parameters are not always available Example "Acceleration 2" only appears if a
logic input has been assigned to "Switch to ramp 2".
Factory setting
0,2 to 990 s
Identical with Acc. Acceleration time is
automatically increased in the event of
0,2 to 990 s
Identical with dEc Deceleration time is auto-
matically increased In the event of overbraking
(display of code obr ).
Low speed
0 to high speed
Identical with L5P- When low speed is at zero,
the speed controller remains locked for as long
as the reference is less than 1 Hz.
High speed
From low speed
ATV-452 M 50 Hz
Identical with H5P .
to max frequency
ATV-452 50 Hz
ATV-452 N, S 60 Hz
U/F adjustment
N00 to N99
Identical with UFr Adjustment of the auto-adap-
POO to P99
tation of theU/F ratio to the motor load If the
FOO to F99
torque supplied by the motor at low speed Is
LOO to L99
Inadequate, Increase the setting gradually.
I thermal
0,45 to 1,05 In
0,9 In
Moteur thermal protection Identical with itH
No protection
Adjustment of the electronic thermal protection
Value In amps to be adjusted to the current value
shown on the motor nameplate.
0 to 100
Adjustment of motor stability Identical with StA
In the event of instability, Increase the value of
the parameter until correct operation Is obtained.
Slip compensation
0 to 5 Hz
According to rating Adjust the slip compensation so as to obtain
constant speed In permanent operating mode,
whatever the motor load.
Precaution over compensation can lead to
unstable operation.
Preset speeds
From low speed
Low speed
Preset speed levels In Hz.
1 to 6
to high speed
6 different levels possible.
Reduce motor
100 % to 10 %
100 %
Reduction of the voltage taken by the motor in
permanent operating mode
100 % full voltage applied
10 % 10 % of the voftage applied
Reduce current limitation
150 % to 5 %
Current limitation reduction factor as % of the
speed controllers rated current
Acceleration 2
0,2 to 990 s
Deceleration 2
0,2 to 990 s
(page 3-243)