TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Commissioning software
Keys used
Use of the software only requires a few keys, described below.
- Help window appears when F1 is pressed, disappears when F1 is pressed a second time.
- To select a menu press ALT and the corresponding letter, shown in the required menu in a dif-
ferent shade, simultaneously.
- To select a sub-menu place the cursor, using and , on the sub-menu required, then validate
by pressing ENTER , or simply by keying in the sub-menu selection letter required.
- To cancel, or to revert to the previous menu press ESC .
- To modify a value in the configuration place the cursor, using and , on the required value,
then key in ENTER .
- To modify a numerical value place the cursor, using TAB , in the value to be modified using
and , press ENTER , enter the new numerical value, validate by pressing ENTER .
Various menus
The five main menus always appear In the upper band Each of them is subdivided into sub-
menus, the functions of which are listed below.
FILE: to create, modify, record, and print out the speed controllers configuration and its adjust-
NEW: to create a new configuration.
OPEN: to call up and modify a configuration which is already in the memory.
SAVE: to save the modified configuration on the open file.
SAVE AS: to save the modified configuration on another file, or to save a new
PRINT: to start printing the file.
CONCERNING: gives the number of the software version.
QUIT: to quit the software and revert to the operating system.
NOTE: the names of the files do not have to be entered with an extension This Is added auto-
matically by the software:
CFV for a configuration file,
DOC for a documentation file.
: for operation without the speed controller.
: for operation with the speed controller When a file is opened, or
modifications are made, all the data is recorded automatically In the
ATV-45 2 memory.
when started up, the software is automatically In CONNECT mode if the speed
controller Is connected with a correct link, In LOCAL mode if the opposite is true.
(page 3-249)