TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Load Cell Full Scale Output. (14 mv)
parameter represents the output of the load
cell, in
millivolts, at maximum scale capacity The range of entries allowed
is from 8 (mv) to 35 {mv). This entry acts as a coarse span or span
range adjustment for the Indicator, matching It with the working
range of the load cell
In order to achieve the rated performance from the indicator.
This parameter must be set accurately. Please refer to
Section III Calibration for Information on how to determine
the value of this parameter for your scale
Set Dead Load
The DF2000 now features an automatic compensation for the scale
deadload When you have selected this function, press [ENTER].
The indicator will then enter a routine to zero the deadload. While
this routine is in progress, a flashing d will replace the flashing I in
the leftmost display digit. Upon completion of the deadload routine,
the flashing I will return and the weight display will be at or near
The automatic deadload routine will not work if the deadload
is greater than the value entered for Load Cell Full Scale
Output (Parameter 11).
Set Span.
This function is used to set the fine span for the indicator. Please
refer to Section III Calibration for information on how to set the span.
Reset Dead Load.
Returns the indicator to the factory deadload setting. When you have
selected this function, press [1 I[ENTER] to perform this operation.
Reset Span Table.
Clears the span table except for the first entry. Do this before
calibrating the indicator. When you have selected this function,
press [11 (ENTERI. Note this will clear any previous calibration.
Increment Span Pointer
Allows you to make a second span adjustment to
correct a scale linearity error. When you have selected this
function, press (II IENTERI. See Appendix [I for information on how
to use the second span adjustment.
Note 1:
The span pointer cannot be incremented past 2.
Note 2:
Unlike the DF1000, the DF2000 span pointer is not
incremented automatically each time Set Span
(Parameter 13) is selected.
Decrement Span Pointer.
Brings the span pointer back to the first span adjustment. When you
have selected this function, press I11 [ENTER].
Note: The span pointer cannot be decremented past 1.
Push to Zero Window. (2)
Represents the percentage of scale capacity that can be zeroed by
the Push to Zero key. The allowable range is 0 to 99 (%) of
overweight value. This should be set to 2 1%) in most cases.
Auto Zero On-Off. (1)
Controls the automatic zero tracking function. Set to (1) to enable
auto zero, set to {0) to disable auto zero. When this
function is
enabled, the ZERO light will be on when the scale is at zero.
You must disable the auto zero to accurately check
scale sensitivity at zero.
Auto Zero Window. (60)
Determines the amount of change that can be tracked by the Auto
Zero function. The allowable range is from 0 to 99 1%) of I
graduation per 0.25 seconds. This should be set to 60 I%) in most
(page 3-67)