TM 5-3895-374-24-1
*To check a parameter, press the number for that parameter followed by the
[SELECT] key. For example:
To check graduation size (Parameter 3) Press [3] [SELECT].
To check push to zero window (Parameter 21): Press [2] [1] [SELECT].
When you have accessed a parameter via the above procedure, the indicator
will then display the current value for that parameter. If you wish to change the
value, check the Parameter List, Section IV, and enter a new value by pressing the
appropriate numbers followed by the [ENTER] key. Examples of this procedure will
be given in the following steps.
[1] [SELECT]
Reload Factory Values. A set of factory values for all parameters
is available to make the indicator easier to use initially. After you
have selected this function, press [ENTER] and the factory values
will be loaded. Note this will clear any previous calibration.
[2] [SELECT]
Decimal Point Position. Set the decimal point position to
correspond with the graduation size. For example, for a .05 lb.
Graduation size, press [2] [ENTER]: for a 10 lb. graduation size,
press [0] [ENTER].
[3] [SELECT]
Graduation Size. Set the graduation size from the Parameter List,
Section IV, making sure that the displayed units (LB/KG) are
appropriate for the graduation size you select. (To change the
displayed units, LB/KG. select Parameter 7.) For example:
For .05 lb. grad size, press [ . ] [0] [5] [ENTER].
For 10 lb. grad size, press [1] [0] [ENTER].
[4] [SELECT]
Overweight. Set to one graduation over the maximum capacity of
the scale. This number must be less than 5000 displayed
graduations. For example:
For 2 lb. grad size and a maximum capacity of 5000 lbs., press [5]
[0] [0] [2] [ENTER].
[5] [SELECT]
Motion Window. Set to two times the graduation size. Note this
value is automatically set when you set the graduation size. For
For .05 lb. grad size, press [ . ] [1] [ENTER]
For 10 lb. grad size, press [2] [0] [ENTER].
[6] [SELECT]
Power On Units. Set to the units (LB/KG) that you wish the unit to
be in whenever it is powered up. For example
To power up in KG mode, press [1] ENTER
To power up in LB mode, press [0] ENTER.
[8] [SELECT]
USA Display Flag. Set this parameter to 0 for Canada and to 1
for the USA For example:
To make the indicator legal for trade in the U S.A. press [1]
[9] [SELECT]
Power On Reset Warning. This parameter should be set to 1 for a
"Legal for Trade" scale
[21] [SELECT]
Push to Zero Window. Set this parameter 2 for a Legal for Trade
scale. This value represents the percentage of scale capacity that
can be zeroed by the Push to Zero key
[22] [SELECT]
Auto Zero On-Off. If you wish to turn off the automatic zero
tracking function, press [5] [ENTER]. To restore auto zero press
[1] [ENTER].
[23] [SELECT]
Auto Zero Window.
Set this parameter to 60 for a "Legal
for Trade" scale. This value represents a percentage of one
graduation. The maximum amount of weight change per 1/4
second, that will be automatically zeroed.
[24] [SELECT]
Motion Settle Time. Enter the number of .25 second intervals for
which motion will remain asserted after the scale stabilizes to
within the Motion Window (Parameter 5). Factory set 16 (4
seconds). For example
To set to 2 seconds, press [8] [ENTER]
(page 3-63)