TM 5-3895-374-24-1
In order to change the parameters of the indicator you must be in the
Calibration mode (flashing [ the far left digit - see Calibration Section III).
*In the following list of Parameters, the Factory Preset value will be indicated in
( ).
Parameter No.
Reload Factory Values.
Calibrates the scale with commonly values. When you have
selected this function, press (1) [ENTER]. Note this will clear
previous calibration.
Decimal Point Position. (0)
0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. Select to correspond graduation size. e.g. set
to 1 for .5 grads, set to 0 for 10 KG grads.
Graduation Size. (2 LB/1 KG)
Select one from this table:
LB .0002, .0005, .0010, .002, .005, .010, .02,
.05, .10, .2, .5, 1, 2. 5, 10, 20. 50, 100, 200.
KG .0001, .0002, .0005, .001, .002, .005, .01,
.02, .05, .1, .2, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.
(15002 LB/6805 XG)
Must be less than 5000 displayed graduations and greater than
1 graduation.
Motion Window.
(4 LB/2 KG)
Enter a weight to determine motion sensitivity. A typical value
is 2 times graduation size. Note the motion window met
automatically when the grad (Parameter 3) is changed.
Power On Units. (0 = LB)
Selects the displayed units active when power is applied to the
1 selects KG; 0 selects LB.
Change Displayed Units. (LB) Allows you to calibrate in pounds 0
kilograms. Each time this parameter I selected. the displayed units
will toggle.
USA Display Flag.
The USA display flag can be set to 0 o 1. Setting the flag to 0
gives the standard display. Setting the flag to 1 causes the
following display changes
a) Dead Zeros - The active digit will always be displayed at zero,
i.e. for a grad size of 10, the zero display will be
b) Dead Zeros behind decimal points -
For grad sizes of .0010 LB .0005 KG, .010
LB/.005 KG, .1LB/.05 KG and 1.0 LB/.5 KG the
extra dead zero shown in the LB mode will be
blanked This is only effective fo decimal positions
greater than O.
The USA flag must be set to '1' for the indicator to be 'Legal for
Trade" in the USA.
Power On Reset Warning. (1)
The Power On Reset Flag allows designation os the power push to
zero mode. If this flag is set to '0', the indicator will start with its
push to zero register cleared and the weight display active. If this
flag is met to '1', then the weight display will show 'rrrrrr' on power
up until an initial push to zero occurs. To be legal for trade, this
flag must be set to '1'.
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