TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Repeat the test: Press [WEIGHT/COUNTS] for Counts mode. Scale clear of weight:
internal raw counts are 4587 Place 1/5th capacity on scale: Internal raw counts are
Change in reading is 13690 - 4587 = 9103
Try to improve this by entering a lower value for Parameter 11. For example:
Press [11] [SELECT] - displayed value 12. Change to 10, press [1] [0] [ENTER].
Repeat the test: Press [WEIGHTS/COUNTS] for Counts Mode. Scale clear of
weight internal raw counts are 6300 Place 1/5th capacity on scale: internal raw
counts are 17046
Change in reading is 17046 - 6300 = 10746 counts, which is an acceptable reading.
Thus, in this example, the correct value for Parameter 11 (Load Cell Full Scale
Output) is 10 (mv).
Note In the above example the calculated raw counts at capacity would be:
10,746 x 5 = 53,730 counts - which falls between the limits of 50,000 and 60,000.
If the counts are less than 50 000, the displayed weight readings tend to be more
unstable. If the counts exceed 60.000. the indicator will overrange at capacity. Make
sure your calculated counts will fall between these limits. With some load cells, you
will be unable to reach even 50.000 counts. As close as possible is adequate with
the exception of exceeding 60,000 counts.
Decrease Parameter 11 to increase change in counts.
Increase Parameter 11 to decrease change in counts.
Parameter 11 can have an integer value from 8 to 35.
Remove weight from scale after you change Parameter 11
and take a new initial counts reading before re-applying
Display must be in Counts mode (flashing A in leftmost digit).
[12] [SELECT]
Set Dead Load
The indicator features an automatic compensation for the scale
deadload. whet you have selected this function. Press [1]
(ENTER], the indicator will enter a routine to automatically zero the
deadload. While his routine is in progress, a flashing d fill
flashing [ in
the leftmost digit Upon
completion of the routine the, flashing [ will return and the weight
display will be at or near zero.
Setting the Span
To set the span, follow these steps
Make sure you have set Parameter 11 (load cell full scale output) to the
correct value.
Make sure you have set the dead load.
Zero the indicator press [ZERO].
Place a known weight on the scale, for example place 1,000 Lbs. on scale -
-> scale reads 990 LB.
Select the span set function press (131 [SELECT] --> display flashes I and
return" to 990 LB.
Enter correct weight press [1] [0] [0] [0] [ENTER] --> display flashes 990
LB and then reads 1000 LB.
Remove weight and check zero.
Re-apply weight and repeat procedures 5) through 7). If necessary.
The scale indicator is now calibrated.
10. If you are calibrating channel 2 or 3. Press [98] [SELECT] to enable the
This completes the basic Calibration procedures.
To exit the Calibration Mode! press [9] [9] (SELECT).
Note: If you are also using Channels 2 and 3. Calibrate them with the same
(page 3-65)