TM 5-3895-374-24-2
EP260, EP261, EP270 MESSAGES
At the end of MTFI and all during the burner running time, the display
message will be a constant read-out of signal strength (designated here by
When the operating control shuts the burner down, the control will post-
purge and count up, in seconds, to the end of the post-purge (15 seconds).
The burner/blower motor runs during post-purge.
After post-purge, a history message will show the total number of complete
cycles the burner has made and the total number of main burner (terminal 7)
on time in hrs. The "00" designates these numbers. This message is also
be will also be displayed if the reset button is depressed during the burner
off period. If operating control is open this message is displayed for two
minutes maximum, after which the OFF message is displayed.
The running interlock circuit (3-P) has opened during the burner on period.
This message will be on display until the (3-P) circuit closes or after 10 min.,
whichever occurs first, and then the appropriate lockout message will occur.
The running interlock circuit (3-P) has opened during the main trial for
ignition period. This message will be on the display for 15 seconds (Post
Purge). Then recycle and if the 3-P circuit is not closed, display "HOLD 3-P
RUN INTLK OPEN" until the (3-P) circuit closes or after 10 min., whichever
occurs first, and then the appropriate lockout message will appear.
The running interlock circuit (3-P) has opened during the main trial for
ignition period. This message will be on the display for 15 seconds (Post
Purge). Then recycle and if the 3-P circuit is not closed, display "HOLD 3-P
RUN INTLK OPEN" until the (3-P) circuit closes or after 10 min., whichever
occurs first, and then the appropriate lockout message will appear.
A flame has been sensed sometime during the burner off time This
message will hold for 60 seconds and display Flame Signal (00) strength.
This can be used as an aid in trouble shooting scanners and amplifiers.
A flame failure occurred during the main burner on period. The control will
hold this message for 15 sec. (post purge) and then lockout.
No flame was proven during the main trial for ignition period. The control will
hold this message for IS sec. (post purge) and then lockout.
No flame was proven during the pilot trial for ignition period. The control will
hold this message for 15 sec. (post purge) and then lockout.
Note: Messages more than 8 characters in length will scroll continuously from right to left on the
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