TM 5-3895-374-24-2
Fireye, Inc. guarantees for one year from the date of shipment of its products to replace or, at its option,
to repair any product or part thereof (except lamps, electronic tubes and photocells) which is found
defective in material or workmanship or which otherwise fails to conform to the description of the product
on the face of its sales order. The foregoing is in lieu of all other warranties and Fireye, Inc. makes no
warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied. Except as specifically stated in
these general terms and conditions of sale, remedies with respect to any product or part manufactured or
sold by Fireye, Inc. shall be limited exclusively to the right to replacement or repair as above provided. In
no event shall Fireye, Inc. be liable for consequential or special damages of any nature which may arise
in connection with such product or part.
and the name FIREYE are registered trademarks of Fireye, Inc.
3 Manchester Road
Bulletin E-1001 - March 1992
Manchester, NH 30308
Supersedes May 1991
(page 3 - 1066)