TM 5-3895-374-24-2
6. Do not reverse direction of motor rotation quickly.
Always make a complete stop of the motor when you move from one operation
(eg. lifting) to the next (eg. lowering). Quick reversal direction
of motor rotation may cause failure or shorten the motor life.
7. Do not bump trolley against beam stopper.
A stopper is generally provided at each end of the beam to prevent the
trolley run off the beam. Bumping into it may damage the trolley it-
self or hoist mechanism. Care must be also exercised when work is done
near the stopper.
8. Do not pull push button control cord.
Do not attempt to move the trolley by pulling the push button control
cord. Electrical trouble may result.
9. Cautions when welding work is done.
When welding work is done, keep the load chain and the hook away from
the grounding wire of the electric welder.
10. Do not allow load to hit chain container.
When the load is slung directly by the bottom hook without use of sling
chain or other devices and lifted to the full height, the load may hit
and push up the chain container. This may prevent the container to
house all necessary length of the load chain in it. This is dangerous.
Whenever the bottom hook directly slings the load, care must be exer-
cised so as not to allow the load to hit the container.
11. Check capsize in load chain and correct positioning of chain.
1. Capsize in the load chain must be avoided at any time. Particularly
capsize in load chains of double-falls type (250-L, 500-L, 1000-L,
and 2000-L types) is dangerous. Correct the capsize in accordance
with Fig. 3 in page 2.
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