TM 5-3895-374-24-2
INSTALLATION: Place impellers in correct
position as previously marked. Be sure shafts
and gear bores are clean and free of scratches.
Clean the shaft tapered fits. Place hardwood
wedges as shown in Figure 5. Install drive gear
(4) and gear nut (17) so match mark at tooth is
at the line of engagement. Tighten the drive
gear nut to the torque given in Table 5. Blower
assembly must be fastened down for torquing
Gear Size
( 8.3)
Installing driven gear (4) Insert a long, metal
feeler gauge between the impellers lobes at the
fronts or backs as shown in Figure 5. Feeler
gauge thickness to be a middle value from Table
6 for fronts and backs. Align the gear so the
tooth match marks agree with the drive gear,
then install nut (17). Tighten lightly with a small
wrench, then check front and back clearances
against Table 6 for each 45° position. Both
fronts and backs should be about the same and
within the specified range in Table 6. Adjust
gear position, if necessary, then insert the
corrected feeler gauge and wedges and use a
torque wrench to tighten the gear nut to the
torque specified in Table 5. Remove wedges
and rotate the drive shaft by hand to make sure
there are no gear tight spots or impeller
Caution! Keep fingers away from impellers
and gears.
6. Check the end clearances between impellers
and headplates. Adjust clearances per B-15
7. When clearances are correct, clean and re-
install the gearhouse. Check condition of flange
gasket (7) and replace if questionable. Fill
gearhouse to correct level with proper grade of
B -- Replacing Shaft Bearings
and Impellers
Remove coupling or sheave from the drive shaft.
Drain and remove gearhouse, and pull the timing gears.
If gears are to be re-used, mark them so they may be
returned to the same shafts.
1. Break corners and deburr the keyway. Remove
bearing end cover at the drive end. Remove
bearing clamp plates (34).
2. Make single and double identifying punch marks on
the mating edges of headplate and cylinder flanges
at the two ends of the blower.
3. At the drive end, drive out the two dowel pins and
remove all capscrews holding headplate to cylinder.
By inserting jacking screws into the two threaded
flange holes, and turning them in evenly.the
headplate will be separated from the cylinder. As
the headplate comes off the shafts it will bring
bearings with it. 2 1/2" and 3 ½ gear diameter units
do not have tapped holes for jack screws in the
drive end headplates. Remove dowel pins and all
capscrews holding headplate to cylinder and foot on
the drive end. Support unit under gear end cylinder
flange with the shafts vertical. Using soft metal
block against gear end shafts, push them out of
gear end headplate.
4. For 21/2" and 3/2 " gear diameter units, support the
drive end headplate on the underside, and using
soft metal block against drive end. shafts, push
them out of drive end headplate. For 4", 6" & 7"
gear diameter units, from the gear end ., using a
wood or soft metal block against the ends of the
shafts, drive them out of the headplate. If they are
to be reused, protect them from damage in this
5. If blower interior surfaces need cleaning, it may be
advisable to separate the gear end headplate from
the cylinder. Use the same general procedure as
employed at the drive end.
6. Working from the back (flat) face of each headplate.
push or tap out the bearings and seals. Use a
round bar or tube that will pass through the shaft
clearance holes in the headplates. All lip seals will
be damaged during removal and must be replaced.
7. Clean bearing and seal pockets in headplates and
remove burrs or rough edges. (Apply a thin coating
of sealant on seal O.D.) Press new seals 127) into
gear end headplate using a round tube or bar with
recessed end that will bear on the outer metal edge
of seal enclosure. Seal lip should point toward the
driving tool. Seals to be flush with outboard bore
face. Apply a light coat of oil or grease to the seal
lips. In a similar fashion, install lip seals into the
drive end headplate.
8. Place cylinder on a flat surface. Assemble gear end
headplate to cylinder after checking flange punch
marks. Drive in the two locating dowel pins before
tightening flange screws. Also install gear end foot
using the same longer cap screws (32) and washers
(411. (on 6" & 7" UNIVERSAL RAI! install both gear
and feet.) 9. Place the assembly horizontally on
steel blocks with gear end headplate on bottom.
The height of the blocks should be sufficient to clear
gear end shaft extensions. Assemble impellers into
the cylinder with the drive shaft (longer shaft) in
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