TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Commissioning Terminal
This mode enables the following settings, but only when the speed controller Is on stop
Store adj. ATV
Storage of customer adjustments, adapted, for example, to a
particular machine
In the event of a setting being altered for tests, or by mistake,
these settings can be recalled by the following procedure
Recall adj. ATV
Recall customer adjustments
Store adj. term.
Storage of speed controller settings In the permanent memory
of the terminal
These settings can also be transferred to another speed con-
troller of the same type by carrying out the following actions
Recall adj Term
Recall the settings present In the terminal
Locking the settings present In the speed controller
The speed controllers terminal and dialogue unit no longer
allow modification of the settings
Unlocking of the settings can be obtained by deactivating the
Example of the procedure:
Storage validated
(page 3-262)