TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Configuration, special functions, settings
Assignments of the inputs/outputs
Logic inputs are assigned in factory to following functions:
LI1 freewheel stop
LI2 fast stop
DCB braking to standstill by DC Injection
Assignments of logic inputs Ll1, L12, DCB can be changed, and depend on the selections made
during "configuration" The following table gives the priority functions, in descending order of
Preset speeds
8 levels logic inputs LI1, L12 and DCB are assigned to this function
4 levels logic inputs LI1 and L12 are assigned to this function
2 levels logic Input LI1 is assigned to this function
+ speed I-speed
Logic inputs LI1 and L12 are assigned to functions + speed" and "- speed"
Reduce voltage
Each of the three logic inputs can be assigned to these functions, except where they are
assigned to one of the previous functions
Reduce current limitation
Switch to ramp 2
Store reference
Local control
Remote PBU
Fault reset
Selection of motor 2
Description of the functions assignable to the logic inputs
Possible assignment
Preset speeds
See "configuration" paragraph (p 81 to 83)
+ speed I-speed
Reduce voltage
Reduce current limitation
(page 3-235)