TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Configuration, special functions, settings
Factory setting
+ speed /-speed
No / Yes
During + speed / - speed operation, the logic
LI1 "+ speed", frequency increases in
absolute value in line with the acceleration
ramp, the maximum frequency is determined
by the speed reference
L12 "- speed ", frequency decreases in
absolute value in line with the deceleration
ramp Validation of the controller and selection
of rotational direction are controlled by inputs
FW (forward) and RV (reverse)
Low speed LSP can be adjusted, and is
validated by FW or RV
The + speed / - speed mode cannot be used when preset speeds are selected (2, 4 or 8 levels)
Reduce voltage
No / Yes
Enables reduced voltage to be applied to the
in FW direction
Logic input
motor voltage reduced in permanent
operating mode During acceleration and
deceleration, voltage is normal
Logic Input motor voltage is reduced for
FW operation when one of the logic inputs
assigned to this function is validated
The rate of voltage reduction applied to the
motor in permanent operating mode is
· 100 % full voltage applied,
· 10 % 10 % of the voltage applied
Applications reduction of motor current on
machines with low loads and high inertia,
improved stability
Remote the voltage reduction applied to the
motor is systematically reduced for FW and
RV operation to a value determined by the
reference input reassigned to this function
The speed reference is then provided by the
preset speeds, or HSP, or "+ speed / - speed"
This function should not be used together with
RV voltage reduction nor with remote current
limitation reduction
Applications squirrel cage motors
(page 3-233)