TM 5-3895-374-10
The control van is the first component to be positioned after the orientation of the plant to the site has been determined.
Stake the two corners of the control van as indicated on the plant site layout.
A plant site layout figure 2-1 is included as is an alternate plant site layout figure 2-2.
Choose one layout prior to beginning the positioning of the equipment.
Specific procedures are provided later in the chapter for the set up of each component of the Asphalt Mixing Plant.
Equipment Set Up Sequence
1.Control Van: The control van is set up first so that the tools and materials stored within this van will be availableThis
van also distributes the power from the generators to the other components.
2.Standby Generator: This generator provides set up power to the control van.
3.Generator Trailer: The two 200 kW generators provide system power requirements.
Hydraulic Power Pack: The portable power pack provides the necessary hydraulic power to operate the
hydraulic jacks which raise and position the trailers into operating position. Mechanical landing jacks are used by
some of the trailers.
Surge Bin: The surge bin is positioned next. The slat conveyor feed end must be in place prior to the set up of
the drum mixer. The slat conveyor is lowered at the feed end and the drum mixer discharge chute is positioned
over the slat conveyor.
6.Drum Mixer: The drum mixer is positioned so it is properly aligned with the slat conveyor.
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