TM 5-3895-374-10
the asphalt cement being used is obtained from the refinery delivery slip and is recorded into the controller. A detailed
description of the plant operation is contained in Section 2-12 through 2-21.
1-17. Controlling the Mix
The specific amount of each aggregate required is fed from the four bin feeder across a conveyor belt scale and weighed.
The blending controller automatically proportions the asphalt cement required for the weighted amount of aggregate
entering the drum mixer. As the aggregate feed rate varies the asphalt cement feed rate is varied. The operator controls
the plant production rate through the blending controller. The surge bin allows the plant to continuously mix asphalt while
trucks are being loaded and while they are hauling mix to the paving site. Mix control is accomplished by the blending
controller during automatic operation. The operator controls the production rate of the plant, monitors mix characteristics
and plant operations. A detailed description of the plant operation is contained in section 2-12 through 2-21.
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