TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Initial setting up
List of the parameters
ItH Thermal motor protection (p 30)
Setting range from 0,45 to 1,05 of the speed controllers rated current (p 10 and 11 )
* Preset to 0,9 of the speed controllers rated current
Set ItH o the rated motor current value to be found on the motor nameplate
In order to cancel the thermal protection, keep the +/ON push-button pressed down
(increasing the value of ItH ) until the code ntH appears
This function is not suitable for the protection of force-ventilated motors in this case, two
possibilities are available
- inhibit the internal protection and use an standard external protection (thermistor probes
or thermal overload relays),
- ensure that the thermal protection is independent of the motor speed Refer to part 2 of
the document Special Applications" (p 81)
StA Stability
In the event of instability, increase the value of parameter MSLRI until correct operation is
? Preset value StA = 0
(page 3-200)