TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Initial setting up
List of the parameters
Fr maximum selected frequency (p 45)
When the low speed LSP is at minimum, the speed controller remains locked for
reference values lower than 1 Hz
Preset values LSP minimum
HMP * 50 Hz for ATV-452???M (220/240 V) and ATV-452???(380/415 V)
** 60 Hz for ATV-452???N (440/500 V) and ATV-452???S (525/575 V)
Voltage / frequency ratio
ELF * Preset value Lu1n setting corresponding to most applications
- Applications needing high torque at low speed
If torque is inadequate, increase gradually from nOO to n99
until correct operation is obtained
-Operation with quadratic load torque: fans and centrifugal pumps
In order to improve motor performance, adjust between
POO and P99 in such a way as to obtain the best and
most silent operation with the minimum current
This adjustment range is obtained via the - / OFF push-