TM 5-3895-374-10
options. . edit material ...................................................................................................
EDIT material parameters
On access to the edit parameter option, the flashing data entry cursor will appear after the first entry on the parameter
sheet. The continuation options list will change and the screen will appear as shown in Figure 3-1.
The Continuation Options are:
Return to the previous display.
Edit the values shown on the screen in the usual
manner using techniques and features described
in Appendix A of this manual.
When the A/C temperature indicates that it is being (measured) automatically, the temperature cannot be
changed manually. A manual value can be entered but it will not be used by the computer and the measured
value will be redisplayed on ESCaping from the edit mode.
The belt scales measure the actual wet weight of the aggregate entering the dryer. A moisture correction is
applied to this measurement to correct for the weight of the moisture that will be lost in the dryer. The amount
of correction being applied is shown in the SCALES information display in the "x wet" column. This value has
been calculated by the computer based on the individual component moistures entered on this Material
Parameters sheet and the relative amount of each material specified by the current mix formula.
If aggregate moistures are specified on an individual basis the computer will calculate the correct combined
moisture for any selected formula based on the proportioning of the aggregates as defined by the formula
being used. If individual moistures are not taken and only the combined moisture is known for a given
aggregate blend, this combined value should be entered for each of the aggregates making up the combined
sample and should be remeasured and reentered each time the aggregate blend or formula is changed.
page F - 34
SYSTEMS Equipment Corp. 8/31/89 Page (19)