TM 5-3895-374-24-2
If the measured voltage is less than 1 vdc or greater than 4.25 vdc, replace the Scale load cell amplifier in the
scale mounted junction box.
If the measured voltage is still less than 1 vdc or greater than 4.25 vdc, replace the weigh scale load cell.
If the measured voltage is 2 or 4 vdc, force a new scale zero setting from screen 8652 using the procedure in the
operators manual.
Scale Rate - Constant, Non Zero Positive Value
Scale re-calibration may be required f components are replaced.
Inspect all sensor cables and connections.
Measure scale input voltage on Blend I/PO terminal strip, terminal 1 (+) to 2 (-).
If the measured voltage is 0, go to PROCEDURE 3, Blending Control fails to respond.
If the measured voltage is less than 1 vdc or greater than 4.25 vdc, replace the scale load cell amplifier in the
scale mounted junction box.
If the measured voltage is still less than 1 vdc or greater than 4.25 vdc, replace the weigh scale load cell.
Replace the input module in line with Blend I/O terminals 1 and 27).
Asphalt Meter - O At All Times
Meter re-calibration may be required if components are replaced.
Inspect all sensor cables and connections.
Verify the meter shaft is actually turning, and that the casting at the outboard bearing of the meter has not been
broken by excessive line pressure.
Open the Asphalt meter J-Box and verify that the pulse pickup wheel is mechanically centred on the pickup probe.
Verify the A/C meter span value shown on screen 865 is a non zero value similar to the nominal value recorded for
this scale.
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