TM 5-3895-374-24-2
Have the electric motor inspected and tested by a qualified facility. Repair or replace as necessary.
Inspect the gear reducer according to the instructions in Section 3-8-7.
C. Assembly
Install the shaft mounted torque-arm reducer following the procedure for installation in Section 3-8-7. Add the
correct oil to the reducer as necessary. Install the sheave following the instructions in Section 3-8-10.
Bolt the electric motor into place on the frame. The ground strap must be reinstalled to the motor. Install the
sheave according to the instructions in Section 3-8-10.
Connect the wiring in the junction box following the markings made during disassembly.
Install the drive belts onto the sheaves. Use the torque arm and tension the belts properly. Check the alignment
using a straight edge along the face of the sheaves. The straight edge should touch at both edges of both
sheaves. If not, adjust the sheaves until aligned.
Install the belt drive guard.
Remove padlock from the breaker and turn breaker on.
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