TM 5-3895-374-24-2
1 Abrasives
Gouges or marks made by large. hard parti-
Flush the system with the pump removed. Install
cles; a rapid wearing away of bushings from
strainer in suction line. Oftentimes after a system has
very small abrasives similar to pumice; or
run for a few cycles or a few days the dirt is pretty well
anything in between.
cleaned out and if the pump is rebuilt into good
condition it will then last for a long time.
2 Corrosion
Rust, general overall aggressive attack or
Check the Viking General Catalog Liquid List for
sloughing off a metal.
materials of construction recommendation. Consider
whether all of the materials used in pump construc-
tion were attacked: consider other materials used in
the system to determine how they resisted the liquid.
Check to see whether or not the liquid has been
contaminated to make it more corrosive than antici-
3. Exceeding operating
Noisy operation, broken bushings, twisted
Review General Catalog for operating limits on par-
shaft, parts show evidence of high heat.
ticular model involved.
4. Insufficient extra
Pump may stall. Evidence of heavy contact
Increase end clearance and/or contact your distrib-
between end of rotor teeth and head or other
utor or the factory with details of the application so
that information regarding proper extra clearance
may be provided.
5. Lack of lubrication
Noisy bearings, localized heating at bearings
Be sure all zerks are greased before starting and
or lip seal, smoke, rapid bushing wear.
instructions for lubrication of drive equipment are
followed: consider use of auxiliary lubricating equip-
6. Misalignment
Wear on only one part of a surface, e.g., one
Double check alignment of drive equipment and
side of the casing, one side of the packing
piping. Check the alignment under conditions as
gland, only a portion of the face of the head.
close to operating conditions as possible.
7. Run dry
Pump stalls because parts have uneven ex-
Be sure there is liquid in the system at the time of start
pansion caused by frictional heat; galling
up. Provide some kind of automatic alarm or shut-off
between surfaces having relative motion;
if supply tank runs dry.
seal seats and idler pins changing color be-
cause of high heat.
Dos and Donts for installation, operation, and maintenance of Viking
pumps to assure safe, long, trouble-free operation.
Installation -
Do install pump as close to supply tank as possible.
Do leave working space around the pumping unit.
Do use large, short, and straight suction piping.
Do install a strainer in the suction line.
Do double check alignment after the unit is mounted and
piping is hooked up.
Do provide a pressure relief valve for the discharge side of
the pump.
Do cut out the center of gaskets used as port covers on
flanged port pumps.
Do record pump model number and serial number and file
for future reference.
Operation -
Dont run pump at speeds faster than shown in the catalog
for your model.
Dont require pump to develop pressures higher than those
shown in the catalog for your model.
Dont operate pumps at temperatures above or below limits
shown in the catalog for your pump.
Dont operate pumps without all guards being in place.
Dont operate pump without a pressure relief valve on the
pump or in the discharge piping; be sure valve is mounted
and set correctly.
Dont exceed catalog limits for temperature and pressures of
fluids in jacketed areas of pump.
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