TM 5-3895-374-24-2
The blower shaft assembly may not have to be removed to replace the blades.
The four bolts holding each of the bearings on the exhaust blower shaft can be removed. The blower shaft
assembly can be removed to a bench.
The exhaust blower blades are bolted to the hub assembly. Remove the fasteners holding the blades in place and
remove the blades.
The bearing fan sub-assembly is in two halves. Remove the bolts holding the two halves together and remove the
Remove the shaft guard between the two bearings.
Remove the bearings following the procedures in Section 3-3-13.
The hub assembly is removed by removing the four set screw and jam nuts holding the hub to the shaft. Slide the
hub off the shaft.
The upper half of the blower housing has a liner bolted into it. If the liner is to be replaced, remove the six
fasteners holding it to the housing.
B. Inspection
The two bearing assemblies must be inspected carefully. Replace the seals with new ones if the housing is
disassembled. Note which bearing is fixed and be sure and put the fixing ring back in place when reassembling.
Follow the procedures defined by the bearing manufacturer in Section 3-3-13.
Inspect the blower shaft carefully to confirm that it is straight. Check for cracks or damage. Inspect the key seats
for damage. Repair or replace as necessary.
Inspect the blower hub assembly for cracks or damage. Repair as necessary.
Replace the blower blades as a complete set if one or more is damaged or worn.
Inspect the bearing fan sub assembly and repair or replace if worn or damaged.
Inspect the exhaust blower liner. If it is worn, replace with a new one.
Inspect the blower housing halves. If they show signs of wear from the blades touching or rubbing on them, repair
as necessary.
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