TM 5-3895-374-24-2
Conveyor Division
P.O. Box 193
Mansfield, Texas 76063-0193
817/ 473-1526
MARTIN Conveyor Division does not install con-
type required must be made by the owner-assem-
teyor, consequently it is the responsibility of the
Always operate conveyor in accordance with
bier as we have no information regarding plant
contractor, installer, owner and user to install, main-
these instructions and those contained on the
wiring, plant environment, the inter locking of the
tain and operate the conveyor, components and
caution labels affixed to the equipment
screw conveyor with other equipment, extent of
assemblies in such a manner as to comply with the
Do not place hands or feet in the conveyor
plant automation, etc. Other devices should not be
Williams Steiger Occupational Safety and Health
Never walk on conveyor covers, grating or
used as a substitute for locking out the power prior
Act and with all state and local laws and ordinances
to removing guards or covers. We caution that use
and the American National Standard Institute
Do not use conveyor for any purpose other
of the secondary devices may cause employees to
(ANSI) safety code
than that for which it was intended
develop a false sense of security and fail to lock out
In order to avoid an unsafe or hazardous condo
Do not poke or prod material into the conveyor
power before removing covers or guards. This could
ton, the assemblies or parts must be installed and
with a bar or stick inserted through the open-
result in a serious injury should the secondary de-
operated in accordance with the following minimum
vice fail or malfunction.
10. Keep area around conveyor drive and control
There are many kinds of electrical devices for
Conveyors shall not be operated unless all
station free of debris and obstacles
interlocking of conveyors and conveyor systems
covers and for guards for the conveyor and
11. Always regulate the feeding of material into the
such that if one conveyor in a system or process is
drive unit are n it are n place. If e conveyor is to be
unit at a uniform and continuous rate
stopped other equipment feeding it, or following it
opened for inspection cleaning, maintenance
12. Do not attempt to clear a jammed conveyor
can also be automatically stopped.
or observation, the electric power to the motor
until power has been LOCKED OUT
Electrical controls, machinery guards, railings,
driving the conveyor must be LOCKED OUT in
13. Do not attempt field modification of conveyor or
walkways, arrangement of installation, training of
such a manner that the conveyor cannot be
personnel, etc. are necessary ingredients for a safe
restarted by anyone; however remote from the
14. Screw Conveyors are not normally manufac-
working place. It is the responsibility of the contrac-
area, until conveyor cover or guards and drive
tured or designed to handle materials that are
tor, installer, owner and user to supplement the
guards have been properly replaced
hazardous to personnel. These materials
materials and services furnished with these neces-
If the conveyor must have an open housing as
which are hazardous include those that are
sary items to make the conveyor installation comply
a condition of its use and application, the entire
explosive, flammable, toxic, or otherwise dan-
with the law and accepted standards.
conveyor is then to be guarded by a railing or
gerous to personnel. Conveyors may be de-
Conveyor inlet and discharge openings are de-
fence in accordance with ANSI standard
signed to handle these materials. Conveyors
signed to connect to other equipment or machinery
820.1-1976, with special attention given to
are not manufactured or designed to comply
so that the flow of material into and out of the
section 6.12
with local, state or federal codes for unfired
conveyor is completely enclosed.
Feed openings for shovel, front loaders or
pressure vessels. If hazardous materials are to
One or more caution signs as illustrated beware
ither manual or mechanical equipment shall
be conveyed or if the conveyor is to be sub
attached to conveyor housings, conveyor covers
be constructed in such away that the conveyor
jected to internal or external pressure. MARTIN
and screw elevator housings. Please order replace
opening is covered by a grating. If the nature of
Conveyor Division should be consulted prior
ment caution labels should the labels attached to
the material is such that a grating cannot be
to any modifications
this equipment become illegible.
used, then the exposed section of the conveyor
MARTIN -Conveyor Division insists that discon-
The label shown below has been reduced in size.
is to be guarded by a railing or fence and there
necting and locking out the power to the motor
The actual size is printed next to the label. For more
shal be warning sign posted
driving the unit provides the only real protection
detailed instructions and information please request
Do not attempt any maintenance or repairs of
against injury. Secondary safety devices are avail-
a free copy of our Screw Conveyor Safety, Installa-
the conveyor until power has been LOCKED
able; however, the decision as to their need and the
tion, Operation, Maintenance Instructions.
Small - 2-5/8" x 5"
Large - 4-1/4" x 8"
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