TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Minimum Watts- The amount of heat dissipation that can occur when there is no field
power present
Multi-master network- A network in which more than one node has the ability to initiate
communications and initialize the link.
Network-A series of stations (nodes) connected by some type of communication medium.
A network may be made up of a single link or multiple links.
Node- Also called a station. An address or software location on the network.
Nominal Input Current- The current at nominal input voltage.
Off-State Current-For input circuits, the maximum amount of leakage
current allowed from an input device in its Off state
Off-State Leakage- For output circuits, the maximum amount of (leakage) current that may
flow when the output circuit Is In its Off-state
Off-State Voltage (max) -The maximum input voltage level detected as an Off condition by
the input module.
On-State Voltage Drop- The voltage developed across the output driver circuit during the
On state at maximum load current
Operating Voltage- For inputs, the voltage range needed for the input to be in the on state.
For outputs, the allowable range of user-supplied voltage
Output Device - A device, such as a pilot light or a motor starter coil, that
is energized by the programmable controller.
Points per Common- The number of Input or output pints connected to a
single return (common) or supply (vcc)
Protocol- The "language" or packaging of information that is transmitted across a network
(I/O) Rack-An I/O addressing unlit that corresponds to 8 input image-table words and8
output image-table words. A rack can contain a maximum of 8 I/O groups for up to 128
discrete I/O.
Remote I/O Network -- A network where the communication between the processor and
the I/O is across a serial link.
RS-232- An EIA standard that specifies electrical, mechanical, and functional characteristics
for serial binary communication circuits. A single-ended serial communication interface
Responder -A node on the DH4X5 network that acts a slave device. A responder is not
capable of initiating communications. It can only send messages in response to a request
from an initiator. The SLC 5/01 and 5/02 can also be responders.
(page 3-465)