TM 5-3895-374-24-1
DTR Dialing (5/03 only)- type of modem that lets you dial a number or end a call based on
the status of the RS232 DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal To program the modem
initialization string and phone number into the internal memory of the modem, use a dumb
terminal (or PC running terminal emulation software like Procomm, Windows Terminal, or
PBASE) Once you have programmed the modem, activate the DTR signal to dial the
number, or deactivate the DTR signal to end the call
EEPROM-Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory module used to store,
back-up, or transfer SLC 500 programs The SLC 500 can read and write to an EEPROM
Flash EPROM-Flash Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory module It combines the
programming versatility of EEPROMs with the security precautions of UVPROMs This
means that you have the option of leaving your EPROM programs write protected or
Full-duplex-A high performance protocol that allows simultaneous two-way data
transmission For point-to-point applications only
Half-duplex-A high performance protocol that can be used in point-to-point and multi-point
Initiator-A node on the DH-485 network capable of acting as a master When an initiator has
the token it can send messages and request replies from any node on the DH-485 network
A personal computer running the SLC 500 Advanced Programming Software is an initiator
on the data link The SLC 5/02 can also be an Initiator
Input Device-A device, such as a push button or a switch, that supplies signals through
input circuits to a programmable controller.
Inrush Current-The temporary surge current produced when a device or
circuit is initially energized
I/O-Inputs and Outputs
Isolated Link Coupler-The link coupler provides an electrically isolated network connection
for an SLC 500 controller (processor or programming station) The link couplers connect the
daisy-chained DH-485 communication cable
LED- Light Emitting Diode. Used as status indicator for processor functions and inputs and
Manual-typically an acoustically coupled type of modem. The connection is established by
a person on each end of the phone line. They then insert the handsets into an acoustic
coupler to complete the connection
Maximum Watts- The maximum amount of heat that the module generates with field power
Minimum Load Current --The lowest amount of current die output is designed to operate at
Operating at or below this value is not reliable.
(page 3-464)