TM 5-3895-374-24-1
This chapter provides Instructions for Inspection, servicing, maintenance and repair of the M081 Asphalt Mixing Plant. All
procedures can be performed by personnel using common tools and equipment. All servicing and maintenance must be
performed at specified intervals for optimum performance and minimum down-time Personnel should refer to the
accompanying manuals for information on servicing and repair procedures to be used on the GFE generators. Preventive
Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) and the Lubrication Order (LO) list periodic Inspections and services to be
conducted at specific intervals at which they should be performed. Intervals are nominal, based on normal operating
conditions. Intervals should be adjusted accordingly for extremes of temperature or other adverse operating conditions
existing in the area of operation
The maintenance Instructions are grouped by section. A section covers a major piece of equipment or a major
subassembly Commercial manuals for major components are contained within these sections These manuals are
included with title pages identifying the vendor and in some instances additional Information about the piece of equipment.
Removal, Repair, and Replacement
The following procedures aid In the removal, repair and replacement of major assemblies, sub-assemblies and component
parts. Follow all recommended procedures in performing maintenance.
Minimize needless work, equipment damage, and the risk of personnel injury by observing the following practices during
maintenance operations All rigid and flexible fuel, hydraulic, asphalt, heat transfer fluid, and air lines are shown on
schematic drawings or, In some cases, maintenance figures. The disassembly and assembly of these lines and
accompanying fittings may be accomplished with the use of common hand tools following usual commercial practice.
Identify problem causes before removing or disassembling any equipment item. Study the system schematics and use the
trouble shooting data as necessary when the problem or cause is not obvious
Bleed hydraulic, fuel, asphalt, heating oil, and/or air pressure prior to disconnecting lines. Place all controls in the neutral
or off positions. Drain liquids from components prior to removal, disassembly or commencing repairs. Lock-out the
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