TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Speed regulation
Measurement of the actual motor speed with a tachogenerator allows the speed to be
regulated This being the case, automatic slip compensation depending on the load
incorporated in the ALTIVAR ATV-45 2 is cancelled and replaced by the speed regulation loop
The speed regulation option ensures the following functions
- adapting the voltage value provided by the tachogenerator,
-developing the absolute value and the sign of the voltage signal to ensure regulation in both
neither this adaptation circuit, nor that of the tachogenerator are isolated from
the supply
Accuracy + 0,1 % of the maximum speed for - a torque variation from 0,2 Tn to Tn,
- a speed range from 1 to 50/60
The speed regulation option is associated with the slow-down braking option (see p 62), and is
available in two versions according to the power
- a module reference VW3-A45101, or VW3-A451011,
- a board reference VW3-A45201D90
Installation and connections
ALTIVAR 0,75 to 30 kW : - installation and connection of the module: see p 68,
- use the cable supplied with the option to connect the module to the J3
connector of the control board,
ALTIVAR 37 to 90 kW: - for mounting and connecting the board in the speed controller see p 70,
- use the cable supplied with the option to connect the option boards J5
connector to the J3 connector of the control board
Connecting the tachogenerator
- calculate the maximum voltage provided by the tachogenerator
EXAMPLE :motor 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
tachogenerator 0,06 V/rpm
U = 0,06 x 1800 x 80 = 144 V
frequency range 80 Hz
- using twisted cable, connect the tachogenerator to the option module or board terminals (J6
connector),with values immediately above the value calculated, i e OV-145V in the example
See following page for connection diagram for VW3-A45101 or VW3-A451011 module
(page 3-223)