TM 5-3895-374-10
.................................................................................................................................................................A/C Meter Calibration
In the weighed load procedure, actual material is pumped into an appropriate tank truck. The truck is then weighed and its
net weight compared to the indicated computer total. Corrections are made as necessary until the net truck and indicated
computer weights are equal.
The following procedural steps are concerned primarily with operation of the computer and assume that the operator has
made ready the proper equipment and that the asphalt line between the RUN/DIVERT valve and the drum mixer has been
replumbed to the sample truck for this test, or that other suitable and safe means of obtaining the sample have been
planned for. See also Appendix G.
Liquid asphalt at typical handling temperature is extremely dangerous and this procedure must not
be attempted by anyone not trained, qualified or comfortable with the procedure, the equipment and
the personnel involved.
Circulate the asphalt for at least thirty (30) minutes to assure product uniformity.
Print a current copy of the meter calibration values. (keystrokes 8659)
Go to the +Asphalt Meter Calibration display. (keystrokes 8656.00)
Select Option 4 to set the desired Test Parameters. See Figure 8656.2
The Continuation Options are:
Return to the previous display.
Enter the test parameters shown.
Specify the desired test pumping rate. Specify the actual material density. Specify a desired test interval that will fill the
sample truck and result in a sample large enough to allow it to be weighed with sufficient accuracy. ESCape when all the
desired test Parameters have been entered.
Select Option .00 to display the CAUTION screen from which the totalizers can be zeroed. Zero all totals.
page F - 85
SYSTEMS Equipment Corp. 8/31/89 Page (45)