TM 5-3895-374-10
options . . utilities . . calibration ................................................................................................... PROCESS DELAYS display
The display of Process Time Delays is shown in Figure 863.0Note that even though this display overwrites the entire Main
Operating Display, the plant operation and data gathering continues uninterrupted.
A -NOTE- is shown on the display defining the time interval measurement expected by the process computer. Each delay
interval is the length of time that it takes for material to reach that point in the system where the liquid asphalt is being
added. For scales its the time it takes a rock to travel from the scale to the point of asphalt injection. For a feeder its the
time it takes for material to travel from the feeder to the point of asphalt injections.
The feeders can be numbered in any sequence although the delays for each virgin feeder must be more than the Vir Scale
delay. Likewise, the delays for each recycle feeder must be more than the Rap Scale delay. That is, the process
computer assumes that the virgin (recycle) scale is physically located between the virgin (recycle) feeders and the point of
A/C injection.
With correctly set intervals there will be negligible material rejected on startup or shutdown and no major scale errors
indicated during production rate change.
Generally, once the rates are determined, they will not need to be redone unless there is a massive change in material
moisture, or a change in drum slope.
The Continuation Options are:
Return to the previous display.
Gain access to the displayed data so that it can
be changed. The DATA key must be unlocked.
Print this screen display. The printer must be
turned ON and SELECTed.
page F - 60
SYSTEMS Equipment Corp. 8/31/89 Page (32)