TM 5-3895-374-10
options ................................................................................................................................................EDIT TARGETS display
The Edit Targets subscreen is shown in Figure 1.0 and Figure 1.1. Note that this screen overlays a small portion of the
lower right hand corner of the Main Operating Screen.
As shown at the bottom of the TARGETS subscreen the user can either strike the ESCape key to return to the Main
Operating Screen or can edit, i.e. alter or change, the target Agg(regate) Rate, target Mix # or, if the asphalt valve is
in the divert position, the liquid asphalt recirculation rate. Values on the screen are edited in the usual manner as
described in the DATA ENTRY section of this manual.
Changes made to the target Agg(regate) Rate or target Mix # will not be implemented by the computer until the ESCape
key is struck and then only if the process is not in MOTORS-OFF-HOLD. If changes are made, the on screen stopwatch
will also start on ESCape. Changes to the liquid asphalt recirculation rate are made immediately on data entry.
To start the feeders the user should-
ENTER the desired Aggregate rate 2- ENTER a Mix # that describes the desired formula 3- ENTER the
approximate starting asphalt rate 4- Wait until ready to start the feeders 5- strike ESCape to start the feeders
in sequence.
To stop the feeders the user should-
ENTER a desired Aggregate rate of 0 or ENTER a Mix # that requests no (0) material from every feeder
Wait until ready to stop the feeders
Strike ESCape to stop the feeders in sequence
To change the feed rate the user should-
ENTER the new value of the desired Agg(regate) rate
NOTE: This is the dry TPH rate of the aggregate only.
Wait until ready to phase in the new rate 3- strike ESCape to cause the feeders to change in sequence to the
new rate.
To change to a different Mix formula the user should-
ENTER the new Mix number desired 2- Wait until ready to phase in the new mix number
strike ESCape to cause the feeders to change in sequence to the new mix formula.
When entering data, remember WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET!
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SYSTEMS Equipment Corp.
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