TM 5-3895-374-10
......................................................................................................................................................FEEDER information display
Weighed by Feed Bin Collector Belt Scale_________________________
Some systems incorporate a number of belt conveyor scales in the collector belt under the feed bins. A single speed
pickup off the collector belt tailshaft is used to measure belt speed. The output of the feeder furthest from the drum is
measured by the furthest weighbridge. The second furthest weighbridge measures the actual material output of both the
first and second bins and so forth. The computer calculates the measured output of each bin from the measured value of
its weighbridge minus the measured value of the previous weighbridge. This scheme usually has some other simpler
approach as a backup option.
Recycle Weighed by Recycle Scale Conveyor______________________
Some systems, using a single recycle bin, interlock the bin and its scale conveyor so that the desired bin output is
periodically compared to the actual measured scale value and appropriately corrected. Most usually the feeder information
display will be the Desired Rate, shown in parenthesis, and the recycle scale information display will, of course, be the
actual measured rate. Other measuring techniques may be employed for specialty feeders proportioning antistrip,
rejuvenator, water, line or some other additive. Special options are covered in the appendix to this manual.
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SYSTEMS Equipment Corp
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