TM 5-3895-374-10
....................................................................................................................................................................... INTRODUCTION
A typical Main Operating Screen is shown in Figure 0.0. From this screen the operator can monitor the complete drum six
process. The current rates, blends, moistures, temperatures, and other parameters are updated and displayed every
second. The computer may also be monitoring and annunciating any errors in the asphalt RUN/DIVERT valve position,
alarms from the aggregate no flow switches, or out of tolerance differences between target and actual measured material
The Main Operating Screen is divided into five distinct display areas:
Measured and calculated values pertaining to the finished mix at the moment
in time and at the point in the drum where the liquid ....... asphalt is being added.
2-SCALES ................................................................................................................
The current rates of aggregates and liquids being measured by calibrated
devices such as the conveyor scale(s) and asphalt meter.
3-FEEDERS .............................................................................................................
The current and instantaneous aggregate rates from each of the aggregate
feeders, their blends and moistures.
4-INFORMATION .....................................................................................................
Status and error displays including the current position of the asphalt
RUN/DIVERT valve, the current time and date, and as needed, a stopwatch
and out of tolerance error messages.
5-OPTIONS ..............................................................................................................
This display of the operating options available to the operator can be turned on
and off by alternately hitting the ESCape key. When in view this display
overwrites the FEEDER blend and moisture displays.
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SYSTEMS Equipment Corp
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