TM 5-3895-374-10
The PEACEKEEPER Series of Drum Mix Asphalt Plant Computers is designed, manufactured, and serviced exclusively
SYSTEMS Equipment Corporation
PO Box 19
Waukon, Ia. 52172
Telephone (319) 568-6387
The computer program is written by SYSTEMS personnel entirely in assembly language. The annotated source code is
the proprietary product of SYSTEMS Equipment Corporation and is not available to the customer. The final program is
assembled by computer from this source code and is virtually unintelligible without the original annotated source code. The
assembled machine language code is stored in electrically programmable read-only-memories within the computer and
cannot be read or altered without special electronic equipment.
Printed copies of all user installed calibration values and user selected operational options are available from the plant
operator. A copy should be made at the time the installation is certified. This copy then becomes the master plant
certification record and unauthorized changes in these values should invalidate the certification.
SYSTEMS Equipment Corporation will promptly respond to all questions regarding this equipment, its accuracy or
suitability. Please contact the company at the address shown above.
Orrin Grangaard, President
Sept. 06, 1988
SYSTEMS Equipment Corporation
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