TM 5-3895-374-24-2
Equalizer Assembly
Position equalizer (Item 2) in hanger (Item 1) and align the
shaft holes. Due to the weight of the components, the use
of a vise is recommended.
Apply a rubber lubricant to the equalizer bushing (Item 4).
The lubricant used should be of the type that makes rubber
slippery while wet but will dry (for example, P80 rubber
lubricant, water, or soap and water).
Using a hammer, tap the equalizer bushings into the
equalizer from each side.
Remove plugs from capscrew holes in the shaft (Item 3)
and install (finger tight) on one side of the shaft a washer
(Item 5), a lock washer (Item 6), and a capscrew (Item 7).
Slip the shaft through the equalizer bushing.
In the other end of the shaft, install (finger tight) the second
washer, lock washer, and capscrew.
Tighten the capscrews evenly from both sides to a torque
of 200-225 lb. ft. Use a low speed impact wrench to
prevent galling of the components surface.
When the installation is complete there should be a bead
of rubber 118" to 3116" in thickness between the hanger
casting and washer on each side.
Torque Arm Bushing Assembly
Place compression washer and rubber bushing on torque arm bolt and insert, through the opening in the hanger
and axle seat. It is permissible to dip the bushing into a rubber lubricant. The lubricant used should be of the type
that makes rubber slippery while wet but will dry (for example, P80 rubber lubricant, water, or soap and water).
Place the second rubber bushing and compression washer on the bolt from the opposite side of the torque arm. It
is permissible to dip the bushing into a rubber lubricant, following the guidelines in step (1).
Push the rubber bushing into the joint on the nut side before tightening, as shown in figure #1.
Tighten the nut to 160-200 lb. ft. There should be, as nearly as possible, an even build-up of rubber on each side
of the torque arm between the torque arm and the hanger (or axle seat) and very little build-up of rubber between
the compression washers and the hanger (or axle seat) as shown in figure #2. Ideally, there should be between a
1/16" to 118" bead of rubber between the compression washer and casting.
(page 3-1353)