TM 5-3895-374-24-2
This Griffin collector, like other industrial equipment, must be operated and maintained in accordance with our
instructions and sound engineering practices. The User of this equipment must always be aware of the physical and
chemical properties of the dust particles being collected. A surprising number of dusts are flammable, or prone to
explosion . Materials or processes presenting such hazards must be identified by you, the User, so that you can request
specific safety features be built into the dust collector.
Even though no hazards may originally exist, the User must still be alert to changes in the dust or process. For
example, auxiliary processing equipment may induce high static electrical charges, or the composition of dust and air may
change either of which may greatly increase the chance of explosion and fire.
Griffin can provide features that will lessen these hazards. If this unit has not been so equipped, or your process
is to be changed, or you have any concerns, we suggest you contact us to see how we can assist in making your process
as safe as possible.
In accordance with OSHAS General Industry Standards, 29 CFR part 1910, employers must develop standard
practices and procedures to disable machinery or equipment and to prevent the release of potentially hazardous energy
while maintenance and servicing activities are being performed.
A dust collector itself is not a suitable site for lockout/tagout protection. Lockout devices should be installed on the
energy supply prior to the dust collector. The usual energy supplies are electricity, compressed air and the dust laden gas
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