TM 5-3895-374-24-2
Place the screen cloth (33) into the frame (1) and clamp it in place with the screen clamps (34). Tighten the
carriage bolts only to the point of the screen cloth being tight.
The screen assembly can be installed onto the chassis. Use a sling and lift the screen at all four corners.
The springs, rubbers and spacers form a sandwich and are installed as a unit. The top and bottom mounts for
one spring must be done together. The spring, rubbers and spacers are slid into the mount. With new
components it may be difficult to assemble but do not eliminate any of the parts. The spring slides into the mount
until the dimple on the spring is in line with the hole in the mount. Complete the assembly for each of the springs.
Install the square head set screws into the mounts to lock the springs in place.
Install the inner half of the drive guard.
Install the electric motor onto the mount. Connect the wiring in the junction box following the markings made at
disassembly. Bolt the junction box cover in place. Bolt the ground strap to the motor.
Install the sheaves to the motor and to the screen shaft following the directions in Section 3-8-10. Check the
alignment of the sheaves.
Install the drive belt and the outer half of the drive guard.
Inspect all components that have been re-installed. Confirm that all fasteners have been torqued. Check
component alignment to confirm it is correct.
Lubricate the bearings according to the instructions in Section 3-8-8 and the lubrication information in the
Operators Manual.
Remove padlocks from the breakers and turn breakers on.
Test run the screen for an hour prior to loading. Monitor the bearings to determine if they are overheating. Check
the screen motion following the information in Section 3-8-8.
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