TM 5-3895-374-24-1
Chapter 8
Maintaining Your Control System
One or Two Batteries-Each battery contains 0 23 grams of lithium Therefore, up to two
batteries can be shipped together within the United States without restriction Regulations
governing shipment to or within other countries may differ.
Three or More Batteries-Procedures for the transportation of three or more batteries
shipped together within the United States are specified by the Department of
Transportation (DOT) in the Code of Federal Regulations, CFR49, "Transportation " An
exemption to these regulations, DOT-E7052, covers the transport of certain hazardous
materials classified as flammable solids. This exemption authorizes transport of lithium
batteries by motor vehicle, rail freight, cargo vessel, and cargo-only aircraft, providing
certain conditions are met Transport by passenger aircraft is not permitted.
A special provision of DOT-E7052 (11th Rev, October 21, 1982, par 8-a) provides that:
"Persons that receive cell and batteries covered by this exemption may reship
them pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR 173 22a in any of these packages
authorized in this exemption including those In which they were received."
The Code of Federal Regulations, 49 CFR 173 22a, relates to the use of packaging
authorized under exemptions In part, it requires that you must maintain a copy of the
exemption at each facility where the packaging is being used in connection with shipment
under the exemption.
Shipment of depleted batteries for disposal may be subject to specific regulation of the
countries involved or to regulations endorsed by those countries, such as the IATA
Restricted Articles Regulations of the International Air Transport Association, Geneva,
Regulations for transportation of lithium batteries are periodically revised.
ATTENTION: Do not incinerate or dispose of lithium batteries in general
trash collection Explosion or violent rupture is possible Batteries should be
collected for disposal In a manner to prevent against short circuiting,
compacting, or destruction of case integrity and hermetic seal.
(page 3-427)