TM 5-3895-374-24-1
The following terms of warranty apply to all new products
sold by Western Scale Co. Limited (hereinafter called
"Western") unless otherwise specified in the terms of
All new products are warranted against defects in
workmanship and materials for the following period and
upon the following terms and conditions: -
1. The warranty period is for twelve (12) months
commencing from the date of delivery of the product
to the purchaser.
2. Western shall, at Its option, repair or replace or refund
the purchase price, within a reasonable period of
time, after having been notified of the alleged defect
and after having been satisfied that a defect pursuant
to this warranty In fact exists.
3. Notice of the alleged defect must be given during the
warranty period and must state the model number
and serial number and the date the product was
4. If requested by Western. any product or pan thereof
must be promptly returned to Western with the
shipping charges pre-paid Purchasers who require on
site servicing shall be responsible for travel labor and
all other extra expanses incurred as a result of such
on site servicing Western does not accept
responsibility for loss or damage to any product or
part thereof in transit. nor will any claim be honored
unless the product or part thereof is received, by
Western, intact. with no evidence of tampering or
previous attempts at repair.
5. Western shall not be responsible for -
(a) consequential or special losses or damages. such
as loss of use, inconvenience, commercial or
economic loss
(b) defects caused by misuse. negligence.
modification or neglect,
(c) Improper operation, maintenance or repair
6. This warranty shall have no force and effect and shall
not apply if there has been -
(a) any unauthorized modification, alteration or
substitution of any part or
parts of the product or
(b) the serial number of the product has been altered
or defaced in any
manner whatsoever
7. No employee or agent of Western has any authority to
add to. subtract from, or change any portion of this
warranty and Westerns obligation herein Is strictly
limited to these terms as written.
8. This warranty is the sole warranty of Western and any
other warranties, expressed or implied by law,
including the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act and
in particular Section 20 thereof, are hereby specifically
1670 Kingsway Avenue,
Port Coquitlam (Vancouver), B.C.
V3C 3Y9
(page 3-78)