TM 5-3895-374-10
options. . utilities ............................................................................................................
The Clear Totals subscreen is shown in Figure 83.0. Note that this screen overlays the previous menu. The CAUTION
shown allows the user to safely ESCape without clearing totals if that is desired or to go ahead and clear ALL totals by
entering the access code <.00>.
The DATA key must be in the open position, i.e. not locked, for the access code to be allowed.
The Continuation Options are:
Return to the previous display.
Clear ALL totals to zero immediately. The DATA
key must be unlocked.
NOTE: For best record keeping, the plant operator should establish the habit of daily clearing the totals JUST PRIOR to
the start of making mix. This insures that any totals accumulated during belt scale testing, emptying or
recalibrating of bins, or caused by any other reason are not included as a part of the record of mix made. Accurate
totals provide a convenient cross check of daily production such as:
- asphalt total versus physical tank inventory
- mix produced total minus reject material versus mix shipped
- Vir Scale total versus the sum of all virgin feed bin totals
- Rap Scale total versus the sum of all recycle feed bin totals
page F - 44
SYSTEMS Equipment Corp. 8/31/89 Page (24)