TM 5-3895-374-10
C-1 Scope
This appendix lists Basic Issue Items (B5I) for the M081 Asphalt Mixing Plant to help inventory the items for safe and
efficient operation of the equipment.
C-2 General
The Basic Issue Items are essential items required to place the M081 Asphalt Mixing Plant in operation, operate it and to
do emergency repairs. Although shipped separately packaged, BII must be with the Asphalt Mixing Plant during operation
and when it is transferred between property accounts. This list provides authority to request/requisition them for
replacement based on authorization of the end item by the TOE/MTOE.
C-3 Explanation of Columns
The lists contain 5 columns. The columns are:
Column 1
Item #. Item number is for reference only within the table.
Column 2
NSN, identifies the national stock number of the item to be used for requisitioning purposes.
Column 3
Description. Identifies the item name followed by a minimum description when needed. The last line
below the description is the Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) (in parentheses) and the
part number.
Column 4
U/I. Unit of issue indicates how the item is issued for the National Stock Number shown in column 2
Column 5
Oty. Reqd. Indicates the quantity required.
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